Information Consulting

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Folksonomies: (Un)Controlled Vocabulary?

Folksonomy, a free-form tagging, is a user-generated classification system of web contents that allows users to tag their favourite web resources with their chosen words or phrases selected from natural language. These tags (also called concepts, categories, factes or entities) can be used to classify web resources and to express users' preferences. Folksonomy-based systems allow users to classify web resources through tagging bookmarks, photos or other web resources and saving them to a public web site like Thus information about web resources and online articles can be shared in an easy way. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the folksonomy tagging phenomenon (also called social tagging and social bookmarking) and explore some of the reasons why we need controlled vocabularies, discussing the problems associated with folksonomy.
Alireza Noruzi (2006). Folksonomies: (Un)Controlled Vocabulary? Knowledge Organization, 33(4).

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